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Elementary Science Education

Reading List Additions for B-24

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      Broll, Brandon. Microcosmos: Discovering the World Through Microscopic Images from 20 X to Over 22 Million X Magnification. Firefly Books, 2007. (Please note that while this is not a children’s book, it contains more than 200 photomicrographs).

      Challoner, Jack. The Cell: A Visual Tour of the Building Block of Life. University of Chicago Press, 2015.

      Cohen, Marina. What is Cell Theory? (Shaping Modern Science) Crabtree, 2011.

      Davidson, Sue and Ben Morgan. Human Body Revealed. DK, 2002.

      Gibson, Karen Bush. Cells: Experience Life at Its Tiniest (Inquire and Investigate). Nomad Press, 2017.

      Kramer, Stephen. Hidden Worlds: Looking Through a Scientist’s Microscope (Scientists in the Field). HMH Books for Young Readers, 2003.

      Macauley, David. The Way We Work. Houghton Mifflin, 2008.

      Roberts, Dr. Alice, ed. The Complete Human Body. DK, 2010.

      Silverstein, Alvin and Virginia Silverstein. Cells (Science Concepts, Second Series). Twenty-First Century Books, 2009.

      Sparrow, Giles. Natural World Closeup. Quercus, 2011.

      Stewart, Melissa. Cell Biology (Great Ideas of Science). Twenty-First Century Books, 2008.

      Walker, Richard. Dr. Frankenstein’s Human Body Book. DK, 2008.
      __________. Eyewitness: Human Body. DK, 2009.

      Winston, Robert. What Makes Me, Me? DK, 2004.

      See also the Library of Cells series from Rosen Publishing and the Faith Hickman Brynie’s 101 Questions series from Twenty-First Century Books.

      For younger students, see Seymour Simon’s series on the human body from HarperCollins.

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