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Elementary Science Education

Extra Readings, B-4B: Updated 2023, Curtesy of Carol Richey

Welcome to BFSU: Forums Volume One Learning Progression “B”: Life Science Lesson B-4B. What is a Species? Extra Readings, B-4B: Updated 2023, Curtesy of Carol Richey

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    • #9217

      Bernard Nebel

      Lesson B-4B. What Is a Species?

      Royston, Angela. Amphibians (Animal Classifications). Heinemann, 2015.

      __________. Birds (Animal Classifications). Heinemann, 2015.

      __________. Fish (Animal Classifications). Heinemann, 2015.

      __________. Invertebrates (Animal Classifications). Heinemann, 2015.

      __________. Mammals (Animal Classifications). Heinemann, 2015.

      __________. Reptiles (Animal Classifications). Heinemann, 2015.

      Sanchez, Anita. Karl, Get Out of the Garden! Carolus Linnaeus and the Naming of Everything. Charlesbridge, 2017.

      Numerous titles in Bobbie Kalman’s “What Kind of Animal Is It?”, the “Young Naturalist” series by Chicago Review Press, and the “Science of Living Things” series by Crabtree. For younger children, see Cathryn Sill’s “Guides for Children” by Peachtree Press.

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