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Elementary Science Education

Extra Readings, E-1: Updated 2023, Curtesy of Carol Richey

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    • #9271

      Bernard Nebel

      Lesson E-1. Resources: Developing an Overview

      Brearley, Laurie. Geothermal Energy (True Books). Children’s Press, 2019.

      __________. Solar Power (True Books). Children’s Press, 2019.

      __________. Water Power (True Books). Children’s Press, 2019.

      Lasky, Kathryn. John Muir: America’s First Environmentalist. Candlewick Press, reprint 2014.

      Murphy, Frank and Charnaie Gordon. A Planet Like Ours. Sleeping Bear, 2022.

      Sisson, Stephanie Roth. Spring After Spring: How Rachel Carson Inspired the Environmental Movement. Roaring Brook Press, 2018.

      Yasuda, Anita. Explore Natural Resources! With 25 Great Projects. Nomad Press, 2014.

      Ziem, Matt. Wind Power (True Books). Children’s Press, 2019.

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